Plastic-free Living

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Plastic-free July calls on every individual to re-evaluate the plastic in their life. We are not against plastic, we are against Single-Use plastic. Plastic is great material that is lightweight, water resistant and cheap! It is also long-lasting and should be that purpose. Plastic chairs, buckets, composters, components that are re-usable several times are excellent. The disposable plastics, however, are used for a few seconds and they last forever in landfills. Here are a few ways you can replace the single-use disposable plastics from your life.

Plastic Bag

plastic bag

 Cloth Bags, Fridge Bags

 Cloth bags, tamboolam bags

Plastic Cutlery

Disposable cutlery



Plastic Clingfilm

Cling Film

Washable Bess Wax Wrap

Lil Wrap Bees Wax

Plastic Tooth Brush

Plastic Toothbrush

Bamboo Toothbrush

Bamboo Toothbrush

Plastic Sanitary Pads

Sanitary Pads

Cups and Cloth Pads

Menstrual Cups and Cloth Pads

Plastic Diapers

Disposable Diapers

Cloth Diapers

Cloth Diapers

Plastic Take-aways

Takeaway containers

Dine-in, Carry your own container or order food that doesn't come inn plastic

steel containers

Plastic lining for dustbin

garbage bag

No lining or Paper/leaf lining

Leaf lining dustbin

Plastic Decorations/Wrappings

plastic decorations

No wrappings, green decorations

Green decorations

Plastic Water Bottle


Reusable Bottles

Steel Bottles

alternatives to plastic beat plastic pollution plastic free plastic free july plastic free life zero waste living

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