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New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr No smell, No effort aerobic home composting kit - Stonesoup Shop
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr Te' No smell, No effort aerobic home composting kit - Stonesoup Shop
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr No smell, No effort aerobic home composting kit - Stonesoup Shop
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr
New Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr

Stonesoup Te Composter 20ltr New

Rs. 900.00

Rs. 3,000.00


It is an Aerobic Composting Kit that converts your kitchen waste to compost.


Single Te kit :One 20 L bin, two  900 gm Compost Maker Block and instruction booklet

Set of 2 Te kit:Two 20 L bins, three 900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet

Set of 3 Te kit:Three  20 L bins, four 900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet

Set of 4 Te kit:Four  20 L bins,  five  900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet


Simplest method of composting, no mixing or turning required. Every day add kitchen waste to the bin and sprinkle compost maker block powder. That's it. Can take vegetable/fruit peels, leftover food, eggs, non-veg, pooja flowers, garden waste and all other forms of organic waste. No Smell, No flies. Compost Maker Brick deodorizes the waste to ensure there is no bad smell ;

Start with one Te' if you just want to experience composting. As you gain confidence, add another Te' and compost all your waste. More than 2 people in your family - add more Te' based on volume of waste generated. Remember, each Te' needs a rest of 4 weeks after it fills up to get converted to rich black gold!

Ideal for folks living in Apartments & Flats. Light weight units, easy to lift and use with a built-in handle.Multiple units can be stacked to save space at your home.


It is an Aerobic Composting Kit that converts your kitchen waste to compost.


Single Te kit :One 20 L bin, two  900 gm Compost Maker Block and instruction booklet

Set of 2 Te kit:Two 20 L bins, three 900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet

Set of 3 Te kit:Three  20 L bins, four 900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet

Set of 4 Te kit:Four  20 L bins,  five  900 g compost maker block and one instruction booklet


Simplest method of composting, no mixing or turning required. Every day add kitchen waste to the bin and sprinkle compost maker block powder. That's it. Can take vegetable/fruit peels, leftover food, eggs, non-veg, pooja flowers, garden waste and all other forms of organic waste. No Smell, No flies. Compost Maker Brick deodorizes the waste to ensure there is no bad smell ;

Start with one Te' if you just want to experience composting. As you gain confidence, add another Te' and compost all your waste. More than 2 people in your family - add more Te' based on volume of waste generated. Remember, each Te' needs a rest of 4 weeks after it fills up to get converted to rich black gold!

Ideal for folks living in Apartments & Flats. Light weight units, easy to lift and use with a built-in handle.Multiple units can be stacked to save space at your home.